Day One Dreams Podcast

Interview with Shaun McMahon, Founder of Illuminate

Episode Summary

By building confidence through years of industry experience, trusting his gut feeling, and preparing for the worst, Shaun McMahon found the courage to start his own clinical sales training company, Illuminate. Learn how small steps of courage add up to big success.

Episode Notes

Shaun draws upon nearly 30 years of training and development experience in his pursuit to offer custom learning solutions that utilize the latest trends, innovations, and technologies. As founder and president of Illuminate, he leads a dynamic team in developing creative and innovative end products while cultivating meaningful industry relationships. Shaun has a BS in marketing and entrepreneurial studies from Babson College and proudly holds a seat on the Life Sciences Trainers & Education Network (LTEN) Board of Directors.

Shaun roles back this success story to the early days, those first small steps that gave him the courage to start.